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Author malw  Date 12 Sep 13, 15:35  Views 6367
Description Step-by-step procedure for online registration of Club Officers.
Category Efficient Organisation  Type Information

Registering Club Officers with World Headquarters

Club officers must be registered at World Headquarters before their term starts. So, for clubs electing officers annually, they must be registered before 30th June. Do not wait until the last minute to register in case there is a mishap. It is vital to do this in time because any registration not made by 30th June means that the club will be unable to achieve a Distinguished Club Programme point in the coming year.

To register your club officers at World Headquarters:

1. Go to www.toastmasters.org
2. Click on the 'Club Business' section on the left.
3. At the next screen click to enter the Club Business section.
4. At the next screen enter the Club Number and Password then click on 'Login'.
5. At the next screen click on 'Change my club’s meeting and/or club officer information '.
6. At the next screen click on 'Skip this and go to Club Officer Assignments' at the bottom.
7. At the next screen scroll down to select the period applicable then click on 'Proceed'.
8. At the next screen add or replace the officers as required then click on 'Confirm above selection'.
9. At the next screen enter your name and email address then click on 'Confirm and proceed'.

If the screen appears asking if you want to change the club's mailing address read https://easy-speak.org/kb.php?mode=article&k=130 for more infomation about this.

This document prepared by Debbie Hardy from District 43 covers all aspects of using Club Central at toastmasters.org:


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