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Author malw  Date 19 Nov 06, 12:11  Views 5100
Description How to get World Headquarters mailings to the address you want
Category Efficient Organisation  Type Information

Club's Mailing Address

When changing your Club President online at www.toastmasters.org a screen will appear at the end of the process entitled Club's Mailing Address. Here you choose to whom Club mailings from World Headquarters will be sent: 'current mailing address' or 'new President's address'. You cannot return to this page once you have marked your choice and submitted it.

If you choose 'current mailing address' because you are registering your new committee some time in advance of 1st July when they take office, please note World Headquarters will not automatically change the address to that of the new President at the beginning of the new Toastmaster year. They will have to be informed separately when you want it changed. In the meantime World Headquarters will continue to send Club mailings to the previous President.

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