easy-Speak - Toastmaster Automation! :: easy-Speak - Toastmaster Automation! :: Outstanding Toastmaster
Author malw Date 29 May 11, 19:10 Views 3526
Description Use easy-Speak to manage the Outstanding Toastmaster award in your club
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easy-Speak information

Outstanding Toastmaster 

Based on the Outstanding Toastmaster Guidelines (item 1113 from the TMI catalog) this online form allows members to enter information about their activities within Toastmasters, and draws from the easy-Speak database to calculate speeches given, attendance, and other statistics.
If enabled in the Club Control Panel by the Clubs officers, the online form is available from the My Participation menu for all full members of the club.

Toastmasters International wrote:
What Makes a Toastmaster Stand Out? Every club has one. You see them at every meeting the extraordinary member whose enthusiasm is so contagious it rubs off on everyone at the meeting; the industrious volunteer who is eager to perform any and all meeting assignments; the exceptional individual making uncommon efforts to recognize, encourage and nurture fellow Toastmasters.
Of course every member exhibits these traits some of the time, but how can club leaders choose only one?

In addition to the objective criteria, there are three subjective criteria Enthusiasm, Dedication, and Helping.
These can be edited by an officer, with the correct permissions from the Outstanding Toastmaster option on the This Club menu.
This page also indicates whether the form has been completed by the member or not (and provides links for the officer to edit the members form).
The page also provides the total points for each member.

The Outstanding Toastmaster forms are annual, using the July-June Toastmaster year.
Only the latest saved version of the form is kept each year.

To enable this feature, select Yes to the question Use Outstanding Toastmaster? in the Club Setup section of the Club Control Panel
and grant your Officers permission to the OTM from Club Officers section of the Club Control Panel.
(this can only be performed by an Officer with permissions to access the Club Control Panel)