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 Sub-Categories   Articles 
Marketing and Membership Building
  Promoting and Marketing Your Club.

 Article   Type   Author   Date   Views 
Club Open Nights  Information  malw 28 Nov 06, 20:28 3034
  Promoting with Open Evenings
PR Never Sleeps  Information  Forgotten User 28 Nov 06, 20:21 3476
  PR suggestions for all the year
Press Releases - Useful Tips  Information  Forgotten User 28 Nov 06, 20:25 3137
  Guidance on "Press Releases" - and specifically with respect to Contests
Promotional Presentations  Information  malcolmw 23 Jan 07, 11:20 4003
  Presentations about promoting your club
Publicising Contests  Information  Forgotten User 28 Nov 06, 20:23 2902
  Have you considered the excellent PR opportunities of Club, Area and Division Speech and Topics Contests ?
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