easy-Speak - Knowledge Base |
Using This Site Information about using this website. |
| | easy-Speak: application overview The 'helicopter view' of what this system does. - (3rd September 20, 12:30) |
| | An overview of system features from a user point-of-view. What you need to know to get the best from this system. - (1st January 07, 08:27) |
| | Using Links from your Club website Example links to easy-Speak from your club's website. - (13th April 09, 15:50) |
| | Data Protection Issues Retaining and securing personal data for your club members.. - (3rd July 13, 16:29) |
| | My PC won't log me in automatically What to do if your PC won't remember the 'Log me on automatically each visit' setting. - (1st January 07, 08:28) |
| | Setting up your club in a language other than English Read this if you would prefer that your club use easy-Speak in a language other than English. - (21st March 15, 17:38) |
| | easy-Speak: What's available at the District, Division or Area level An overview of the features that are relevant here.. - (31st August 18, 18:39) |
Club Management How to use the application to get the best for your club. |
| | In what circumstances can a member volunteer for a role on-line? Description of how the system may be configured for your club. - (24th October 24, 09:03) |
| | How to create a Poll Creating a posting in your club discussion forum that contains a 'poll' allowing members to vote on a subject.. - (1st January 07, 08:29) |
| | Changing or correcting user data How to correct telephone numbers, schedule a speech or upload a photograph for your members.. - (23rd July 15, 11:38) |
| | Create a New User How to create a new user on the system as a member of your Club. - (16th August 13, 11:08) |
| | Add an existing easy-Speak user as a member of your club How to add an existing easy-Speak user to your club.. - (23rd August 18, 06:28) |
| | Running a Membership Campaign How easy-Speak can help you to keep track of new members. - (1st January 07, 08:30) |
| | Recording an external speech How to record a speech that one of your members made outside the club. - (18th March 15, 15:03) |
| | E-mail to all your members How to send an e-mail to all your members or to certain status of members. - (1st January 07, 08:30) |
| | Changing the officers for your club. How to change the person assigned to each officer position in your club (or Area/Division/District). - (26th May 21, 17:59) |
| | Tracking Leadership Awards How to use the system to keep track of members' progress for CL and AL awards. - (31st July 17, 08:15) |
| | Different Layouts for the printed agenda An explanation and examples of the Agenda layout. - (28th November 08, 21:25) |
| | Outstanding Toastmaster Use easy-Speak to manage the Outstanding Toastmaster award in your club. - (24th June 24, 13:47) |
| | Member Survey Use easy-Speak to manage a survey of your members.. - (29th May 11, 19:15) |
| | Managing the website for your Club How to edit the pages of your website and add new pages. - (26th April 13, 10:53) |
| | How to set up your online meetings Detailed description, with example, of how to set up online club meetings.. - (17th April 20, 13:22) |
| | Keep your online Zoom meeting secure How to keep Zoom-bombers from disrupting your meeting. - (10th April 20, 12:46) |
| Club Control Panel Details on the settings in the Club Control Panel: |
| | | Welcome Page Links Standard Links that can be added to text for use on the Club Welcome page (or in an external web-site). - (29th June 13, 08:19) |
| | | The Club Control Panel Explanation of overall settings for your club in the Control Panel. - (15th February 12, 23:07) |
| | | The Club Officers Control Panel Explanation of the settings for your club officers in the Control Panel. - (31st July 13, 10:10) |
| | | Meeting Roles An explanation of the standard 'meeting roles' and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel. - (9th April 19, 10:43) |
| | | Locations An explanation of the use of locations and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel. - (18th December 20, 09:52) |
| | | Membership Status An explanation of membership status and their maintenance in the Club Control Panel. - (20th August 10, 11:07) |
| Running the Meeting Information on creating a meeting, advising members about it by e-mail, creating the agenda, allocating members to roles and finally recording what actually happened |
| | | The agenda e-mail system How to use the agenda e-mail routine. - (9th January 15, 13:38) |
| | | Creating a Meeting Information about creating a meeting to show in the calendar.. - (14th December 13, 18:31) |
| | | Assigning Members to Roles Assigning Members to Roles. - (23rd October 13, 23:00) |
| | | An overview of Creating and Running a Meeting An overview of how to create and run a meeting on easy-Speak. - (10th October 13, 11:30) |
| | | Editing the Agenda Changing the Agenda to suit a particular meeting. - (9th April 19, 10:41) |
| | | Recording what actually happened How to use the 'Actual' screen to record actual attendance and roles.. - (23rd November 20, 12:40) |
| | | Assigning Speeches for the meeting How to assign the speakers and identify which speech they will make.. - (2nd May 13, 19:32) |
| | | Adding a Guest Speaker How to add a guest speaker to the agenda. - (17th June 13, 23:30) |
| | | How the Automatic Role Assignment Works A technical explanation of the role assignment engine and the settings it uses.. - (1st January 07, 08:43) |
| | | Club Officer Training How to use the easy-Speak system for your Club or District Officer Training. - (18th January 07, 02:08) |
| | | Managing meeting attendance outside the Club level Attendance and roles for Area|Division|District events. - (21st September 18, 11:56) |
| | | Running a Hybrid Meeting (Allowing both physical and online attendees) How to set up your hybrid meeting, and limit the number of physical attendees if needed. - (20th December 20, 09:51) |
| Getting Started Getting your club started on easy-Speak. |
| | | Importing Member details from a spreadsheet How to import Member names, user-id, telephone numbers etc from a spreadsheet. - (1st October 18, 19:22) |
| | | Importing Members Speeches from a Spreadsheet How to get your members' history up-to-date by uploading past speeches. - (8th September 24, 09:59) |
| | | Loading CL history How to get your club's Leadership history Loaded. - (17th May 13, 18:48) |
District Management Descriptions of features used outside the club level are kept here |
| | Email all, or a selected type, of District and Club Officers This document explains how to use the mass e-mail system to send an e-mail to all officers of a selected 'type' (for example all Club Presidents). - (25th March 07, 12:49) |
| | Candidates Corner A review of the way that the Candidates Corner works. - (25th March 07, 12:50) |
User Information Hints and tips for individual members to help you get the best from this program. |
| | How do I get back after selecting 'Print Agenda'? How to navigate back to the system. - (1st January 07, 08:44) |
| | How do I upload a picture to the Photo Gallery? Help on uploading photographs to the club photo gallery. - (1st January 07, 08:44) |
| | How can I say that I will [will not] attend a meeting and accept [reject] a role? Using the agenda screen or responding to a meeting e-mail from your VPE. - (15th February 12, 19:24) |
| | How do I book a speech for a future meeting? How to enter the details of a speech that you would like to make.. - (15th February 12, 19:47) |
| | The Club 'Club Charts' How to understand and get the best from the information presented in the ten charts. - (31st July 17, 08:20) |
| | Watch for updates How to 'watch' an agenda or discussion topic for changes. - (15th February 12, 19:48) |
| | How do I join the Word of the Day contributors and what does it involve? An explanation of what is needed in a Word of the Day entry.. - (24th March 07, 19:48) |
| | AM Toastmasters Meeting Roles and Responsibilities AM Toastmasters Meeting Roles and Responsibilities. - (20th January 20, 09:43) |
Efficient Organisation Articles and tools to help with the administrative aspects of running a Quality Club. Includes explanations of the Club and District officer roles. |
| | Downloadable files Download the planning calendar, Quality Club presentations and template forms. - (6th March 07, 14:08) |
| | Registering Club Officers with World Headquarters Step-by-step procedure for online registration of Club Officers.. - (12th September 13, 15:35) |
| | Insurance Cover for club meetings. - (24th November 06, 11:21) |
| | Club's Mailing Address How to get World Headquarters mailings to the address you want. - (19th November 06, 12:11) |
| | Freebies Free items at the WHQ store. - (6th January 07, 09:41) |
| | Proxies Proxy Voting Forms. - (6th January 07, 09:52) |
| Toastmaster Officers A description of the roles and responsibilities of the Club Officers. |
| | | Club President The role and responsibilities of the Club President. - (9th September 13, 06:56) |
| | | Vice President of Education The role and responsibilities of the Vice President of Education. - (9th September 13, 06:56) |
| | | Vice President of Membership The role and responsibilities of the Vice President of Membership. - (29th May 22, 22:49) |
| | | Vice President Public Relations The role and responsibilities of the Vice President Public Relations. - (9th September 13, 06:52) |
| | | Secretary The role and responsibilities of the Club Secretary. - (9th September 13, 06:53) |
| | | Treasurer The role and responsibilities of the Club Treasurer. - (20th September 06, 20:28) |
| | | Sergeant at Arms The role and responsibilities of the Club Sergeant at Arms. - (9th September 13, 06:54) |
| | | Immediate Past President The role and responsibilities of the Immediate Past President. - (9th September 13, 06:55) |
| | | Club Officer Roles Downloadable Training documents. - (11th June 11, 17:58) |
| | District Division and Area Officers Descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of the District, Division and Area Officers. |
| | | | Elected District Officer Roles Mission/purpose and qualifications. - (8th August 15, 21:33) |
| Officer Training Articles and Links for District, Division, Area and Club Officer Training Materials. |
| | | Officer Training Programmes for the second session this Toastmaster year. - (24th January 07, 17:17) |
| Starting a New Club Instructions and all the forms you need to start a new club. |
| | | Starting a Club - Tips by Robin Chawner, founder of Solent Speakers. - (17th August 06, 09:28) |
| | | Step-by-step process Downloadable files. - (17th April 07, 18:13) |
| | | Sponsors and Mentors Helpers for new clubs. - (21st November 06, 23:30) |
| |
| | | | Posters for Club Start-up Tips and Examples of Posters for New Clubs. - (9th February 07, 18:11) |
| | | | Brochures for Club Start-up Tips and Examples of Brochures for New Clubs. - (10th February 07, 13:49) |
| | | | Presentations to Deliver at Club Start-up Tips and Examples of Presentations to use at Demo/Publicity meetings. - (9th February 07, 19:16) |
| | | | Press Releases for Club Start-up Tips and Examples of Press Releases for New Clubs. - (11th February 07, 21:36) |
| | | | Guest Information for Club Start-up Tips and Examples of Guest Information for Club Start-up. - (10th February 07, 14:12) |
Educational & Enjoyable Meetings Articles and tools to help with preparing and conducting Quality Club meetings. Includes explanations of the meeting roles. |
| Toastmaster Roles Information about the roles at Toastmaster, suggestions and training. |
| | | Toastmaster Roles Progression A chart showing progression through the various meeting roles. - (17th November 06, 10:17) |
| | | Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance What does this role involve?. - (18th June 07, 23:21) |
| | | Ballot Counter What does the Ballot Counter do at a meeting?. - (18th June 07, 23:33) |
| | | Jokemaster Information about the Jokemaster role. - (27th July 07, 18:11) |
| | | Quizmaster Information about the Quizmaster role. - (27th July 07, 18:12) |
| | | Chairperson What does a Chairperson do at a meeting?. - (4th September 07, 06:10) |
| | | Parliamentarian Role of Parliamentarian. - (26th July 09, 09:56) |
| | | Viewpoint Expressing an Opinion and Inviting a Rebuttal. - (9th June 10, 10:22) |
| | | CL Meeting Role Evaluator Ensures each requesting member receives their meeting role evaluation for CL credit.. - (9th June 10, 17:57) |
| | | Wordmaster Word of the Day. - (24th October 10, 19:52) |
| | | Video Master The Role of Video Master. - (8th January 11, 04:34) |
| | | Invocator (for meetings with no pledge of allegience) As a non-denominational Christian Club, we take this time to contemplate our Lord’s presence in the meeting.. - (2nd April 11, 20:37) |
| | | Officer of the Day The Role of Officer of the Day. - (30th June 11, 19:56) |
| | | Quizmaster The role of the Quizmaster is to test the audience's listening skills. - (12th March 13, 18:12) |
| | | Safety Moment Presenter Role Information. - (10th June 13, 21:06) |
| | | Inspiration Information on the role of Inspiration for the Meeting. - (7th October 13, 22:38) |
| | | Toast/Joke of the Day Role Description. - (14th June 16, 18:46) |
| | | Inspirational Instant Information about the Inspirational Instant. - (29th November 16, 18:21) |
| | | Keymaster What are the responsibilities?. - (30th December 16, 00:17) |
| | | Content Evaluator What does a content evaluator do?. - (18th August 18, 12:16) |
| | | Delivery Evaluator What does a delivery evaluator do?. - (18th August 18, 12:15) |
| | | Language Evaluator What does a language evaluator do?. - (18th August 18, 12:15) |
| | | Joke Master Joke Master information. - (12th October 22, 08:31) |
| | Toastmaster Information on the role of Toastmaster for the Meeting |
| | | | Toastmaster What is involved in being a Toastmaster at a meeting?. - (25th April 20, 10:35) |
| | | | Toastmaster for meetings with a Chairman Coordinating the flow of the formal speech segment by introducing speakers and evaluators.... - (2nd April 11, 17:23) |
| | General Evaluator Information about the General Evaluator Role |
| | | | General Evaluator What does the General Evaluator do at a meeting?. - (13th February 19, 09:55) |
| | Sergeant at Arms Information on the role of Sergeant at Arms. |
| | | | Sergeant at Arms What do I have to do?. - (23rd April 07, 13:14) |
| | Timekeeper Information about the Timekeeper role |
| | | | Timekeeper What does this role involve?. - (7th April 18, 11:29) |
| | | | Timer Script Information about performing the Timer role in a Toastmasters meeting. - (22nd July 15, 09:41) |
| | Grammarian & Ah Counter Information on the role of Grammarian and Ah Counter |
| | | | Grammarian The What?. - (9th September 06, 13:13) |
| | | | Ah Counter What does the Ah Counter do at a meeting?. - (6th July 08, 12:46) |
| | Topics Master Information on the role of Topics Master. |
| | | | Table Topics Master What does this role involve?. - (13th December 16, 15:05) |
| | Evaluator Information on the role of Evaluator or Topics Evaluator. |
| | | | Evaluation What do I have to do?. - (19th January 17, 17:12) |
| | | | Leadership Evaluator What to do when you are evaluating for CL credit. - (29th June 14, 01:10) |
| | Warm Up Information about the 'Warm Up' role. |
| | | | Warm Up What do I have to do?. - (9th September 06, 19:04) |
| | Reserve Speaker Information about the role of reserve speaker. |
| | | | About the 'Reserve Speaker' role A desription of what may be asked of you in this role.. - (9th September 06, 21:46) |
| | Speaking This category covers various aspects of preparing and improving your speech. |
| | | | Prepared Speaker Overview. - (5th April 19, 10:41) |
| | | | Useful resources when preparing a speech Useful resources for quotes and ideas when preparing a speech. - (20th March 07, 00:09) |
| | | | Ten Top Tips for Terrific Table Topics Suggestions for excellence in Table Topics. - (4th March 07, 16:12) |
| | | | First Timers An informational guide to "going all in' on your first speech.. - (8th October 12, 17:25) |
| | | | Vietnamese Keyboard & Translation Typing in Vietnamese and translation from English to Vietnamese. - (30th October 12, 18:16) |
| | Hospitality Information about taking the role of 'hospitality' at a club meeting. |
| | | | Hospitality What is expected from you when you take the hospitality role for a meeting?. - (12th April 06, 18:45) |
| | | | Greeter The Greeter is responsible to warmly welcome guests and members.. - (22nd September 12, 21:23) |
| | | | Hospitality/Greeter What does the Hospitality/Greeter do at the meeting ?. - (17th June 13, 10:46) |
| | | | Greeter Summary of the Greeter role. - (1st April 14, 19:18) |
| Meeting Ideas Ideas for More Exciting Meetings. |
| | | Table Topics Add variety to your Table Topics. - (10th June 16, 09:04) |
| | | Better than TV! An audience-orientated approach to club meetings. - (10th September 06, 16:27) |
| | | Silly Games Fun items for inclusion in meetings. - (17th August 06, 16:03) |
| Contests Information on roles at a contest and organising a contest. |
| | | Judge and Tiebreaking Judge Checklist for Judges other than Chief Judge. - (24th November 06, 12:04) |
| | | Contests - An Overview Includes a description of each type of Contest. - (16th August 06, 12:21) |
| | | Contest Chair Checklist for the Contest Chair. - (27th March 14, 10:49) |
| | | Chief Judge Checklist for the Chief Judge. - (20th February 07, 12:10) |
| | | Area and Division Contests Checklist for Area/Division Governor. - (21st September 06, 17:58) |
| | | Club Contests Checklist for Clubs. - (20th February 07, 12:14) |
Publicity Promoting Toastmasters and your Club |
| | Promotional Presentations Presentations about promoting your club. - (23rd January 07, 11:20) |
| | PR Never Sleeps PR suggestions for all the year. - (28th November 06, 20:21) |
| | Publicising Contests Have you considered the excellent PR opportunities of Club, Area and Division Speech and Topics Contests ?. - (28th November 06, 20:23) |
| | Press Releases - Useful Tips Guidance on "Press Releases" - and specifically with respect to Contests. - (28th November 06, 20:25) |
| | Club Open Nights Promoting with Open Evenings. - (28th November 06, 20:28) |
| | | Club Growth Links to Articles on Club Growth. - (1st September 06, 00:17) |
easy-Speak - Sitemap |