Every example (Brown: "I will not let you down"; Gore: "I will never let you down") is the most basic, clunkiest, political boilerplate.
Simon Hoggart, The Guardian, 29 September 2007. Guardian
Every email, press release and other written communication issued by the National Audit Office carries a boilerplate assurance testifying to the watchdog's disinterest in the political process.
John Bourn, Telegraph, 23 November 2007. Telegraph
"The investment banks may have used very broad, boilerplate disclaimer language that effectively failed to disclose fully and fairly all the information," he said.
Pat Eaton-Robb, The Washington Post, 13 January 2008. Washington Post
The movie is your standard haunted-house boilerplate, with an American exchange student in Tokyo (Sarah Michelle Gellar) out to solve the mystery.
Bruce Diones, The New Yorker, 8 November 2004. The New Yorker
Just about any sports movie, airport paperback or motivational tape delivers a few boilerplate rules for success.
Benedict Carey, The New York Times, 4 December 2004. New York Times